There are several types of hauntings. Please read through the stages to determine which type of paranormal activity you are having. This information can help us during our investigation.
Stage 1
- Cold spots Strange noises
- Odd odors and smells
- Hearing footsteps
- Unusual animal activity (dogs/cats running from rooms, etc)
- Feelings of being watched..
Stage 2
- Whispers, Laughs or giggles
- Moans or shrieking
- Moving shadows
- Breezes in closed areas
- Visible clouds (base apparitions)
- Strong static electricity
- Marks on floors or walls (Not writings)
Stage 3
- Lights and other electrical appliances turning on/off
- Unseen hands grabbing or touching people
- Writings on walls or pattern markings
- Doors that open/close or lock/unlock
- Hearing voices or words clearly
- Full apparitions or dark figures
- Showing levels of communication with living people
Stage 4
- Flying/moving objects
- Objects disappearing and reappearing elsewhere
- Shaking furniture
- Pushing or shaking people
- Windows, mirrors or other household objects breaking for no reason
- Levitation
Stage 5
- Biting, Slapping or punching
- Animating objects
- Use of household electrical systems
- Hair pulled
- Heavy objects falling
There are many who believe that there must be a "poltergeist agent" that feeds the spirit with its energy. This is frequently a Pre-teen child, male or female, but may also be a pregnant woman, menstruating female, a child-like adult or a mentally challenged person. The question remains is the person CAUSING this or are they merely a catalyst for this activity?
At this level the poltergeist is at its highest energy point and should be considered dangerous, not because it wants to hurt people, but because it has a great deal of energy and could end up hurting someone with it (either on purpose or by accident).
The time frame here, and for all stages listed, will vary depending on the poltergeist. It could end in days, months or years. After this stage, the poltergeist will usually go dormant and then begin this cycle over again.
These of course are still theories... and we are working as hard as we can to find all of the answers. That is why we do what we do!! If you feel you are experiencing anything listed above please, do not hesitate to contact us!